Saturday, November 21, 2009

shoe box party

Everyone with their shoe boxes!
How cute they're matching! :)
My shoebox for a 2-4 year old.

This week was our shoebox party with our home school group! We all get together and bring shoe boxes that we packed for Samaritans purse, and a food dish from a different country. Samaritans purse is a ministry who collects shoe boxes filled with toys and other needed items for children around the world that do not know about the love of Christ for them and they each are given a shoebox as a Christmas gift, good stuff. Thank you Mrs. Rothfuss and Mrs. Vogltanz for planning the shoe box party!


Myers' Academy said...

Great pictures Hunter!
What a great party it was.
LOVE the 'green girls'! :)

Hannah said...

Thanks for the great blog on our Shoebox party. It was a lot of fun! Mrs V