Tuesday, June 11, 2013

To the person who is reading this:
You are a kind soul and a dear friend to me, thank you for being a faithful blog friend of mine.
I could go on now about why I haven't been posting and apologize for my non blog faithfulness. But I'm really not feeling that kind of post. Life happens and I want to chose to have no regrets, guilts, or 'should haves'. Its summertime now and I've been enjoying it to the fullest that I possibly can. I really hope you are too. 
Take time to watch the stars. Take time to wonder about one of the great mysteries in life on this earth. Write a letter to someone. Look back on your past, fit together the pieces of your life events and be in awe of the person you are today because of God's extreme faithfulness and plan for you. Do what makes you Oh-so-happy.

1 comment:

Spencer said...

Amen! Your blog is so inspirational. Thanks!