Friday, November 7, 2008

The egg drop

Today as our science lesson we constructed a package for a raw egg to see how much pressure it could take. We did this by dropping the boxes from different heights. The first step was to make "nesting materials" the items that are used to cushion the fall. I lined my box with two layers of felt, and the bottom was lined with more fabric squares and the egg was wrapped with fabric strips. Elliot lined the box with news paper wrapped the egg in a fabric piece and then used more news paper. His was called the egg express.

So now we were ready for the first drop. This drop number one was going to be held in the kitchen standing on the dinning room table, the measurement is 6 feet 3 inches.

Results: Elliot's egg held up and mine was cracked badly.
Drop number two is going to be held on the roof.
This drop measures 9 feet.

Results: Drop number 2, Elliot's egg broke and mine broke also.
Drop number 3 will be held in mom and dad's room we will drop the boxes from the window. This drop is 12 feet 2 inches.

Results: Elliot's made it and mine broke.

Now we know that the egg is not created to handle sudden pressure. Elliot's nesting materials had better results than mine.