Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Feeding Backyard Birds
This week I made suet, I did not follow a recipe I just used the ingredients that I thought would work and mixed it all together. I used peanut butter, corn syrup, and grape jelly to hold the mixture together. The oatmeal and cornmeal was used to make the suet firm and easier to form into the preferred shape. All the other stuff raisins, bird seed, and pumpkin seeds were just thrown in to make the suet more exciting. I then formed the suet into balls and rolled it in more bird seed, next I put it in the freezer to help it hold together. Once the suet was hard I put it outside. I'm not sure if the birds ever ate any I think the squirrels took it all but that's alright.
We put safflower out in some of our feeders and a millet, sunflower, safflower mix in our ground feeder. We attracted blue jays, juncos, sparrows, chickadees, cardinals, and house finches. Of course the squirrels also came and had their fair share of the food too.